音質に一切妥協せず、最先端の技術と洗練されたデザインを融合させたゼンハイザー初の完全ワイヤレスイヤホン「MOMENTUM True Wireless」が誕生しました。 好きな音楽をいつでも・どこでも、さらにいい音で。ゼンハイザーの優れた技術によって開発された最新のドライバーユニットが、あらゆる音楽再生を極上の体験に変えてくれるはずです。 わたくしは半年前にアマゾンで買いました。ただ、沢山のイヤホンを持ってますから、使うことは10回でも無さそうです。今回、引越しの為メルカリで出品しております。 ご検討のほどよろしくお願いします。 Sennheiser introduced their inaugural fully wireless earphones which promise seamlessly blend state-of-the-art technology and refined aesthetics while maintaining uncompromising sound quality. I purchased these earphones from Amazon approximately six months ago. However, due to owning numerous pairs of earphones, it is highly improbable that I have utilized them even ten times. Since I am relocating this time, I have decided to list it here on Mercari.
音質に一切妥協せず、最先端の技術と洗練されたデザインを融合させたゼンハイザー初の完全ワイヤレスイヤホン「MOMENTUM True Wireless」が誕生しました。
Sennheiser introduced their inaugural fully wireless earphones which promise seamlessly blend state-of-the-art technology and refined aesthetics while maintaining uncompromising sound quality.
I purchased these earphones from Amazon approximately six months ago. However, due to owning numerous pairs of earphones, it is highly improbable that I have utilized them even ten times. Since I am relocating this time, I have decided to list it here on Mercari.